Carolina Miranda
Carolina Miranda kwam tijdens haar studie Master of Education in aanraking met de Ethics of Care van Nel Noddings.
Carolina Miranda kwam tijdens haar studie Master of Education in aanraking met de Ethics of Care van Nel Noddings.
Call for Papers: We invite papers on the topic of (feminists) Care Ethics and religious teachings, traditions, identities, practices, practitioners, as well as atheism and humanist spiritual traditions.
Interview with Eleonor Faur, IDAES-National University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1. Where are you working at this moment? I am a Professor at the Institute for Higher Studies on Social Sciences, National…
Tom Malleson, PhD recently published an interesting article on interdependency, from a care ethical point of view. He argues that taking interdependency seriously would lead to profound changes in our culture, our central political concepts, and even…
Interview met Joan Tronto, Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 1. Where are you working at this moment? At the University of Minnesota. 2. Can you tell us about your research…
Carol Gilligan is een bekende Amerikaanse ethica, feministe en psycholoog. Haar boek In a Different Voice over morele ontwikkeling en ethische relaties was een opstap voor de ontwikkeling van zorgethiek. Ze is momenteel professor…
Eva Feder Kittay is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, at the Department of Philosophyat Stony Brook University, New York. Her areas of specialization are: feminist philosophy, feminist ethics, social and political theory, metaphor and…
1. Where are you working at this moment? I am a University Professor at New York University, teaching in the School of Law, the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and the Graduate…
Margaret Urban Walker PhD is Professor of Philosophy and author of Moral Understandings: A Feminist Study in Ethics. 1. Where are you working at this moment? I am a member of the Philosophy Faculty of…