
Pondering ‘STILL LIFE’

Hamish MacPherson is a choreographer who creates environments for people to think, learn and be together. He is inspired by care ethical theory and his zine STILL LIFE is one way to contribute to these kinds of environment, is about relationships and configurations, and relevant for thinking about situations of care. In another article I interviewed him about his motivation for the zine.

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Hamish MacPherson and his zine STILL LIFE

Hamish MacPherson is a choreographer who creates environments for people to think, learn and be together. He is inspired by care ethical theory and his zine STILL LIFE is one way to contribute to these kinds of environment, is about relationships and configurations, and relevant for thinking about situations of care. In this article I interviewed him about his motivation for the zine.

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Maurice Hamington


Embodied care – Serie zorgethiek en lichamelijkheid

De lezingen over zorgethiek en lichamelijkheid omvatten een serie van drie bijeenkomsten. De eerste gast was dr. Barbera Duden. Een pionier op het terrein van de geschiedenis van het lichaam. Tijdens deze tweede bijeenkomst…

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Mind the Body


Theorizing the body: Lichamelijkheid centraal

Hoe zijn wij verbonden met ons lichaam? En hoe kan je soms vervreemden van je eigen lichaam? Dit zijn onderwerpen omtrent lichamelijkheid die werden aangesneden tijdens de workshop ‘Theorizing the body’ op 26 november…

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